Saturday, March 25, 2006


And life goes on...

So I realize today I'm a fan of the titles with the three dots following. I'm sure there is some technical/grammatical name for those three dots, but I haven't a clue what they are called.
Anyway, totally not the point.

Things have been going remarkably well, which makes me feel bad b/c so many of my friends are struggling right now. That is why I haven't posted in a while, I don't want to seem like I'm rubbing my good fortune in their faces. I hope you all understand.

School is clipping along nicely I'm about 2/3 of the way finished with this semester. If I can make it through April I'm home free. Half-Marathon training is going well. I'm doing a 10 mile walk/run this week - wish me luck!! Work is getting crazier and crazier. We are preparing for inventory, setting up to move next door, and trying to gather our team for the new store. Let's just say no two days are the same and none are ever boring.

Just thought I'd update those of you keeping up. I'll write more later.

My thoughts and prayers are with my friends who are experiencing such difficulty right now. Much love is sent your way.

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